Aaron's Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Story.......or not!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sarcoidosis +

I went and saw another doctor on Thursday, but as it turns out, he was another cardiologist and not the thorasic surgeon I was supposed to see. That sucked, as I had to waste a trip to the doctors in a cab and paid for a ride I didn't need, but I did get some valuable information out of the doctor.

He also clued me in that there might be more to this than just it being sarcoidosis. Yes, the mass in the center of my chest, located directly above my heart is more than likely sarcoidosis. However, the other masses may be something entirely different all together. Theres a very good chance that it's lymphoma. There are several ways of finding out, and a blood test doesnt clearly identify it. So I am meeting with my general practicioner on Monday to discuss further tests to help identify it. One test would be to have another biopsy to take some samples. I am all for it!

Yes, it will leave a horendous scar again, but that's little to deal with when we're talking about a cancer like lymphoma.

The reason for the concern with this doctor was due to the fact that this has been so sudden and the growth was very fast. Some of the swelling has gone down, but they have turned in to pretty hard masses in the left side of my neck and are a bit annoying at times.

I've got everyone offering me the best wishes and great advice and I'll take it all! For now, it's just another day of waiting and seeing. There's got to be an answer down the road here soon! Stick around and watch me find out!


  • Keep looking for a cure - keep fighting- there is always blue skies behind the clouds no matter what any test results say or what any doctor predicts. I am a sarcoid survivor and my wife is a cancer fighter. We have many stories of success under our belts. I will be praying for you. Only God knows the future!

    By Blogger Bryon Seeley - Loving husband -, At 9:32 AM  

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