Aaron's Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Story.......or not!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Not feelin' it this week!

Man, it's been crazy with the way I'm reacting to even the slightest change in medications or dosages.

I went thru the whole prescription of prednisone and since coming off of it I've basically regressed back to where I was when I first went to see the doctor in the first place. It sucks, but this the way it goes these days.

I called and spoke with both my pulmonologist and general physician and had to get them to both agree that it was a good idea to try it out again, at the higher dosages. So now it's 6x's a day from here on out. Should be another nice expensive visit to the pharmacy again!
I was really starting to feel a lot better with the Leviquin and Benzonatate for a horrible cough and at the same time I was coming off of my last dosages of the prednisone. So since then, it's been a miserable weekend. Chest was just killing me and just made it difficult to sleep, so hopefully we can get back on track with the meds again.

On another note, I had a bad experience last week with the pulmonary functions test. See, I was a big dummy and wasn't breathing properly and ended up passing out and smacking my head outside of the machine on a chair. Not the best feeling. I basically started to twitch, lost conciousness and bam, next thing I know I'm on the ground with a nurse looking down on me. GREAT!

The visit to the cardiologist wasn't without incident either! I stopped in and talked to him about what was going on and after he had reviewed my CT scans and listened to my heart he decided that we needed to knock about 30 points on my blood pressure and get my pulse down. So for that he put me on a maintenance drug called Toprol. 32 years old and I'm on heart medication! Geesh!! However, the best part comes after I get back to work and about an hour later my wife, the doctors office and the hospital call me to tell me I have to get right in for an echo cardiogram, and that there is a group of technicians that need me in right away! So freaked out, my buddy Gary runs me down there and I go thru about an hours test with this guy just jabbing this wand in to my chest and neck. He was having a difficult getting it to doppler with the mass so big over my heart.

After the tests though, the best part was that they found it was not crushing my right ventricle and was not attached to the heart at all. But he found an effusion (water, scarring) around my heart, which could probably be cured with another drug! Wooooo!!

I had some more questions on everything and talked em over with my primary care physician and he expained it a bit more that I may be suffering from 2 kinds of sarcoidosis right now, pulmonary and thoratic. However, I have to wait to talk to the thorasic surgeon this week and FINALLY these doctors are all going to sit down and discuss what the next step should be. It looks like surgery is the only option, but there might have to be another biopsy.
Long enough for now, I need to get some things done for the day.

I'll check in later this week!


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